Explore Engel’s Range of Reliable Petrol Generators for Your Outdoor Adventures
Fuel-Efficient Generators
Engel Products
Why Choose Our Petrol Generators
Optimal Efficiency
This powerful generator features an Eco Throttle for optimal fuel efficiency, a robust 4-stroke engine for reliable performance, and an easy pull start for hassle-free operation. With extended running time at partial load and a super quiet noise level, it’s the ideal choice for any outdoor adventure or emergency backup situation.

Pure Sinewave Inverter Generator
Ready for any adventure
Your go-to resource for all things Engel.
What fuel type do our generators support?
All models support Unleaded fuel and range from 4.5 to 8.3 litres capacity.
Which models support Auto Throttle (ESC)?
All modes including the R2000IS, R2500IS and the R3000IE Inverter Generators support Auto Throttle (ESC).
What type of inverter used?
Pure Sine Wave.
How much power will my R2000IS Inverter Generator output?
Each model supports a different output rating.
The R2000IS supports a rated output of 1.8kW (1,8000W) and a Max Output of 1.9kW (1,900W).
How much power will my R2500IS Inverter Generator output?
Each model supports a different output rating.
The R2500IS supports a rated output of 2.3kW (2,3000W) and a Max Output of 2.5kW (2,500W).
How much power will my R3000IS Inverter Generator output?
Each model supports a different output rating.
The R3000IS supports a rated output of 3.2kW (3,2000W) and a Max Output of 3.5kW (3,500W).