Your go-to resource for all things related to our premium outdoor cooling products – fridge freezers, chilly bins, cooler bags, and ice more. We’ve gathered the most frequently asked questions to provide you with quick and comprehensive answers.

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Fridge and Freezer products
Do you need to unplug the 12 volt cord when plugging into 240 volt?
The latest models (E & F Series) fridge / freezer will detect when 240 volt is now available and select it, leaving you battery alone. Same in reverse simply unplug the 240 volt lead and the fridge will switch back onto 12 volt keeping everything cold with out you needing to lift a finger.Digital Temperature Read Out on my fridge has gone blank?
Usually this is just the battery has gone flat. It is quite easy to change, please refer to your user manual, simply remove the lid and the Philips head screws holding the top compressor cover in place, on the MT45F-S and MT35F this includes the hinge screws. Then gently turn over the end cover and you will see on the back of the temp display a round cap, to remove turn anti clock wise with a flat screw driver bit, and you will see the battery inside, remove and replace with a new battery. Replace cap, cover and all the screws and you are done. There have been two types of battery fitted, once again please refer to your user manual or the label on the inside of your lid for battery selection, LR44, or CR2032.Do Engel fridges need to be perfectly flat and level when running?
Unlike other brands of portable fridges, Engel doesn’t need to be level to perform. Engel has a unique compressor that is designed to be portable, the famous Sawafuji Swing Motor (please refer to the Swing Motor link on the right) it can run up to a 30 degree angle without losing efficiency.How cold will my Engel fridge get?
An Engel chest type fridge / freezer can be used for either a fridge or a freezer it’s just a matter of adjusting the thermostat. Set to freeze number 5 on the dial it will get to approximately minus 18 degrees C.How do you plug my Engel into 24 volt?
It is recommended that you use the Engel Posi-fit connection for connection to a 24 volt system. This fitting is supplied with your 12 volt lead as standard, simply unscrew your cigar lighter fitting and this will expose the pos-fit connection two pins with a keyway to prevent incorrect polarity damage, and also has a screw on flange to prevent the fitting vibrating out. This is the best fitting for all your off road uses. Please refer to the Posi-Fit connection under fridge accessories. Part Number # ASPAN, APAN, BPAN, MPAN, NPAN.Can my old fridge be repaired by someone who is not an Authorized Engel Service Agent?
The quick answer is probably however, only Authorized Engel Service Agents have specialized testing equipment supplied by Engel, training and access to genuine Engel parts to ensure a fast accurate diagnosis and repair. Any parts fitted by someone who is not authorized will not carry the full Engel Warranty. Please click the contact us tab for Authorized Service Agents List in your area or call our Customer Service Centre on 1300 302 653 to find your closest Authorized Engel Service Agent.How long will my fridge run on my car battery?
This is one of the most common questions we get and also the hardest to answer. There are many variables when it comes to refrigeration. It can depend on many things for example, the temperature on the day, what you have inside the fridge, how many times you open and close the lid or door, the size and charge of your battery, etc……..But as a guide the 40 litre chest fridge / freezer (MT45F-S please refer to the chest category) is our most popular model the maximum current draw is only 2.5 amps on 12.8 volt, so the way you would calculate the number of hours your fridge would run on you battery is divide the number of amp / hours your battery holds by the maximum current your fridge draws and that will give you an approximate time. Keeping in mind if you only have one battery you will need this battery to start your car. This is of course worse case scenario your Engel will cycle on and off controlled by the thermostat so the current consumption would be much lower when being used as a refrigerator. When considering a portable fridge ask the question “What is the Maximum current draw?”
I have an old Engel can I still get parts for it?
In most cases yes we still carry many parts for the older models, in some cases we have an updated part replacement, for example replace an old B – series cooling unit with a later model E – series cooling unit with the new ozone friendly refrigerant.Can my fridge be repaired by any refrigeration mechanic?
The quick answer is probably however, only Authorized Engel Service Agents have specialized testing equipment supplied by Engel, training and access to genuine Engel parts to ensure a fast accurate diagnosis and repair. Any parts fitted by someone who is not authorized will not carry the full Engel Warranty. Please click the contact us tab for Authorized Service Agents List in your area or call our Customer Service Centre on 1300 302 653 to find your closest Authorized Engel Service Agent. Only Authorized Engel Service Agents can do warranty work.
What does the green mat in the bottom of my 32 / 40 litre fridge do?
The green mat distributes weight across the bottom of the cabinet, it protects the inner liner and allows air to flow beneath over the ribs in the floor, and yes with all new fridges you can remove the plastic wrapping it is shipped in.
What is special about the Engel 12 volt fuse?
The 12 volt Fuse is designed to protect your vehicles wiring harness in addition to working as a normal fuse. The thermal fuse is unique as it measures resistance. Resistance generates heat (heat and wiring don’t mix). The amount of resistance will vary depending on the length and thickness of the cable used in the installation. If the cable has too much resistance the fuse will blow, protecting your vehicle. These fuses are also directional, the arrow marked on the side of the fuse should point in the direction of the cigarete lighter socket. If you find that the fuse has blown we would suggest that you consider having your vehicles wiring tested and fitting an Engel pos-fit connection. (Please refer to the “Posi-fit connection” under the fridge accessories category). Part Number # ASPAN, APAN, or BPAN. The fuse Part Number # 12VFUSE.What type of compressor does Engel use?
Engel’s World Famous Sawafuji Swing Motor Unique to Engel this purpose built compressor is designed to be a portable refrigeration compressor and is one of the key reasons why ENGEL is ‘A LEGEND IN RELIABILITY’. What is the first rule in engineering? – Keep it simple! The Sawafuji Swing Motor is a true reciprocating compressor; it has only one moving part. It doesn[squote]t get any simpler. The piston is connected to an electro dynamic device which is powered by the use of magnetic fields. With this technology there is no need for bearings, cranks or con-rods, so less moving parts means less chance of failure. With only one moving part there is a very low friction loss which means this is a highly efficient compressor. It has no high start up current draw because when it starts up it can simply move down just a fraction then return. Then it slowly increases the distance the piston travels each stroke until it reaches a full stroke. The Sawafuji Swing Motor does not need to perform a full stroke on start up unlike many rotary type compressors that must perform a complete cycle and need much more current to start. Because this is purpose built and designed to be a portable refrigerator compressor it has to be engineered to take the harshest of Australian conditions. The Sawafuji Swing Motor is located inside the compressor casing with pins locating in rubber bushes then suspended in between shock absorbent springs. It operates at 30 degrees angles and on rough corrugated tracks without losing efficiency. The leading brand for over 40 Years, only ENGEL portable fridge-freezers guarantee to go anywhere. Their reputation speaks for itself. ENGEL’s commitment to continuous improvement means that the ENGEL of today is the most reliable, the most efficient ever, quieter and full of features to ensure it is easier to use than ever before.Can I run my Engel Fridge on a generator?
The only requirement needed for running your “E” or “F” series Engel Fridge – Freezer (The later Models) on a 240 volt generator is to ensure the generator you are using is A.V.R. Automatic Voltage Regulated. Please refer to your generators user manual. If it is an older generator with A.V.R., it doesn’t hurt to add an in line spike protector or surge arrestor.
What does the Engel Transit bag do?
The Engel Transit Bag does three things, the first thing is that it protects your investment, Engel have a great resale value so if you decide in a few years time that you would like to update your Engel to a larger unit you can remove the transit bag and the unit looks near new you get better money for it. The second thing is the transit bag helps insulate so the fridge holds temperature longer and the compressor doesn’t need to run as often. The third thing is the storage pocket on the front of the bag allows you to store you cords, user manual and purchase receipt in so where ever you travel with you Engel you have everything you need. (Please refer to Transit Bags in the Fridge Accessories category).What's the difference between a fridge slide and a slide-lok?
A “Fridge Slide” is a steel tray on rollers that allows you to slide you Engel completely out of you vehicle to access the contents then slide it back away possibly under a set of shelves allowing you to utilize the entire luggage area of your wagon. The “slide-lok” is an accessory used for securing your Engel into your vehicle with out the need for tie down straps and anchor points. (Please refer to the “Fridge Accessories” category).
Off Road Accessories - What do you need an inverter for?
The Engel Inverter is a modified Sine Wave Inverter, that converts 12 volt DC into 240 volt AC designed for powering TV’s, DVD, charging mobile phones, and digital camera batteries. You do not need an inverter to run your Engel fridge, and using an inverter to do so does not make your battery last longer.